Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Ultimate Online dating guide for men

Here's a taste of what you'll discover:

*Why women no matter of age, sex or race look for the exact same type of qualities in men they date
*How to get rid of your fear of approaching and meeting hot women
*How to get women literally obsessing over your online profile and jumping to contact you first
*Learn how to write email followups that get women's attention and you on a first date
*How to get a woman's phone number fast using instant chat services like MSN
* You will learn the complete step by step process I use to this day to get more dates in a week then any guy I know

But WAIT, There's More To This Offer!

BONUS OFFER: An e-book, CHOCK FULL of information on how to be cool and keep up with trends. I show you things like where I buy my clothes online for my dates (I have first date shirts), what music to listen to, what to talk about it, things like that.

It's called "How A Pasty White Computer Nerd Got 14 Hot First Dates In 47 Days!" and it's yours free when you order online today.

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